Usage Guide


The usage guide is written for the development instance, to use the commands for prodcution change -f local.yml to -f production.yml for every command!



For showing a general help for all commands run:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask

To display a helptext for a single command, add to the command --help like:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask shell --help


To use elasticsearch search, the index for the groups & zip codes musst be set. To do this run:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask migrate_models

Load single group from

To download a single group from and index them into elasticsearch use get_group. For downloading a group use the urlname. When you are on a Meetup group page like, the urlname is in the browser URL field after the language-code block.

In the example for Meetup-API-Testing group, the language-code is de-DE and the urlname is Meetup-API-Testing.

Meetup group urlname screenshot

Meetup group urlname screenshot

Also when you search for new groups in the rest api, the urlname has it extra field for request a group entpoint.

So to download & index the Meetup-API-Testing group use:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask get_group Meetup-API-Testing

The output should look like:

Starting flask-meetup-data-scraper_elasticsearch_1 ... done
Elasticsearch is available
Group Meetup API Testing Sandbox was updatet with 761 events

For testing purpose it’s possible to load the sandbox group with the param --sandbox True, than it’s not required to add a urlname.:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask get_group --sandbox True



The command get_groups is desiged for use only in development, for prodcution please use load_groups!

Load mutiple groups from JSON files. The JSON files muss include a key & a URL name. To download use the rest api direkt or via the meetup website

An example Rest API request for the first 200 german groups ->

After you downloaded the json, put them into ./meetup_data_scraper. When you download the JSON’s in a another directory set the path via --json_path /app/your-dir/. When you run the command in docker, you need to set the path inside the docker container.

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask get_groups

Example JSON file in ./compose/local/flask/meetup_groups/test-groups.json

    "0": {
        "urlname": "Meetup-API-Testing"
    "1": {
        "urlname": "None"
    "2": {
        "urlname": "connectedawareness-berlin"


Load all groups from every zip code stored in elasticsearch use load_groups.

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask load_groups

load_groups accecpt 2 params, --load_events False will do not load all past events from a group (default is to load all past events) & --country DE will set to load only groups from a specific country by a country code. To get the meetup country codes check out zip code.

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask load_groups --load_events False --country DE


For downloading all zip code use load_zip_codes with arguments of a boundingbox. A boundingbox is a gelocation area, to find out a boundingbox of a location like germany use the rest api of To create a search query for nominatim add after /search/ your query & after the query add ?format=json for a json output. The full search request for germany is


        "place_id": 235495355,
        "licence": "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.",
        "osm_type": "relation",
        "osm_id": 51477,
        "boundingbox": [
        "lat": "51.0834196",
        "lon": "10.4234469",
        "display_name": "Deutschland",
        "class": "boundary",
        "type": "administrative",
        "importance": 0.8896814891722549,
        "icon": ""

Now add the boundingbox to the load_zip_codes.

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask load_zip_codes 47.2701114 55.099161 5.8663153 15.0418087 # germany
$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask load_zip_codes 45.817995 47.8084648 5.9559113 10.4922941 # switzerland
$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask load_zip_codes 46.3722761 49.0205305 9.5307487 17.160776 # austria


To get all new past events from all groups in the elasticsearch use:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask update_groups


The reset_index command should only use when you want to delete your complete elasticsearch index & reload all groups from This should use as a cronjob at least once every 30 days!

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask reset_index

As param it possible to set the warning time in secounds with --waring_time 30, the default time span is 30 secounds.

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask reset_index --waring_time 30

Also you can add a weekly periode with --reset_periode. If this param is use, the command check if the current week is modulo by the value.

As an example to execute the command on only every 4 weeks use:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask reset_index --reset_periode 4

The command check how many weeks are gone since 1970 (unix time) and calc them modulo % by for. So for the date 2020-01-30 is in the 2613 week since 1970-01-01.:

2613 % 4 = 1

Since the rest of 2613 % 4 is not 0, the command will exit. Only when the rest is 0 the command will be execute!