Rest API Documentation


The REST API is based on Flask RESTful. To add or remove Endpoints modify in the method create_app. Example how to add add suggestion & search:

# init flask api
api: Api = Api(app)
# add api endpoints
api.add_resource(MeetupSearchApi, "/")
api.add_resource(MeetupSearchSuggestApi, "/suggest/")

The code for the REST API is in meetup_search/rest_api/ and the tests are in tests/rest_api/

Also in tests/rest_api/ are helper methods to tests the REST API!


PUT /suggest/

Return up to 5 suggestion based on group names.

Example, when send a PUT /suggest/ with follow data:

    'query': 'jam',

The output will be like:

{"suggestions": [
    "Jam-Session Berlin",
    "Jam Time Amsterdam",
    "Jammy @ ROMA",