

Do not run Tests on Production Systems!!! Tests will destroy your Elasticsearch Index!!!


The unit test are stored in the tests folder and written with the Pytest Framework.


When executing a test like.

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask coverage run -m pytest

Pytest will at first go to the file conftest.py and execute the method pytest_runtest_setup bevor each test and after each test the method pytest_runtest_teardown will be executed.

Every method witch is an annotation @pytest.fixture can be used in any test method as a param, for deteaild explination go to https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/fixture.html

Create new test

To create a new test just create a python file with the prefix test_ in the folder /tests. It also possible to bundle test in a python package, for that create a folder in /tests and add a empty file __init__.py in the new folder, so that python recognize the folder as a python package.

In the new test file with the prefix tests_ (example: /tests/test_user.py) add method also with the prefix test_. An example for the /tests/test_user.py test file would look like:

def test_user():
    assert get_user(username="Hugo").username == "Hugo"

Execute tests

To execute all tests run:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask coverage run -m pytest

To run all tests in a specific module add the path like, in the example run all test in the path tests/api_client:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask coverage run -m pytest tests/api_client

For running all test in a file, just add the full path of the file:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask coverage run -m pytest tests/api_client/test_json_parser.py

To run a single method add 2 colons to the file path with a method name.:

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask coverage run -m pytest tests/api_client/test_json_parser.py::test_get_group_from_response


If you add -s as param when executing a tests, you can see the terminal output from the test. docker-compose -f local.yml run flask coverage run -m pytest -s