Getting started


These instructions assume familiarity with Docker and Docker Compose.

Development & Production Version

The Project comes with 2 different Docker-Compose files wich are for development local.yml and production production.yml.

The development version start the website in debug mode and bind the local path ./ to the flask docker contaiers path /app.

For the production version, the docker container is build with the code inside of the container. Also the production version use redis as caching backend.

Quick install (Development Version)

Build the docker container.

$ docker-compose -f local.yml build

Migrate all models into Elasticsearch

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask migrate_models

Load the Meetup Sandbox Group with all events.

$ docker-compose -f local.yml run flask flask get_group --sandbox True

Start the website.

$ docker-compose -f local.yml up

Now the server is listen on http://localhost:5000 for any REST API requests.

Quick install (Production Version)


At first create the directory ./.envs/.production

$ mkdir ./.envs/.production`

For flask container create a file ./.envs/.production/.flask wich should look like:

To fill the section # OAuth you need an API account from When setting up the meetup oauth account add as your callback url & with you can log in with your meetup account.

To read how to handle a boundingbox in the section # groups region go to load_zip_codes.

For Elasticsearch container create a file ./.envs/.production/.elasticsearch wich should look like below. For further information how to setup Elasticsearch with enviroment vars got to

Add Users

Frontend & backend has the same endpoint for user authentification. Both use Basic Auth from traefik. To add a user, use htpasswd and store the user data into compose/production/traefik/basic-auth-usersfile. Example use in Linux:

$ sudo apt install apache2-utils # install htpasswd
$ htpasswd -c compose/production/traefik/basic-auth-usersfile username


Build the docker container.

$ docker-compose -f production.yml build

Create the elasticsearch indexes.

$ docker-compose -f production.yml run flask flask migrate_models

Load Meetuup zip codes for a country.

$ docker-compose -f production.yml run flask flask load_zip_codes 47.2701114 55.099161 5.8663153 15.0418087 # germany
$ docker-compose -f production.yml run flask flask load_zip_codes 45.817995 47.8084648 5.9559113 10.4922941 # switzerland
$ docker-compose -f production.yml run flask flask load_zip_codes 46.3722761 49.0205305 9.5307487 17.160776 # austria

Load Meetuup zip codes for a country.

$ docker-compose -f production.yml run flask flask load_zip_codes 47.2701114 55.099161 5.8663153 15.0418087 # germany
$ docker-compose -f production.yml run flask flask load_zip_codes 45.817995 47.8084648 5.9559113 10.4922941 # switzerland
$ docker-compose -f production.yml run flask flask load_zip_codes 46.3722761 49.0205305 9.5307487 17.160776 # austria

Start the website.

$ docker-compose -f production.yml up -d


Add a cronjob to run every week. So that every 4 weeks the elasticsearch index should be resetet. If you want a another periode change the 4 with your periode time. But don’t use a persiod over 30 days! It is forbidden by!!:

0   3       *       *       6       docker-compose -f production.yml run flask flask reset_index --reset_periode 4

Description what does this command do, is under reset_index.