This Project was created with Visual Studio Code and this section help you to setup your VS Code installation for this project.

Recommanded Extensions for VS-Code

Install Python

Please use the same Version of Python as it used in the Flask Dockerfiles! Right now it is Python 3.8.

Windows 10


Change the command Python to py when following the instructions!

To enable Python 3 in your Windows 10 Power please follow the article on


On mac you can use brew

$ brew install python3


In moste linux systems python is installed and maintaind out of the box, you just need to check if you use the same version as in in Dockerfiles.

Install Python dependencies


If you like, you can install every dependency in a specific folder via virtualenv. To create a virtualenv for the project dependencies.

Virtualenv when Python 3 is the default python interpreter.

$ virtualenv venv

When you want to select a different python version use the param -p

$ virtualenv venv -p python38

To use the virtualenv use the source command.

$ source venv/bin/activate

Install development packages


$ python -m pip install -r .\requirements\local.txt

Mac / Linux

$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Code Format

This use Black to format this code, in VS Code you can set on every save to format the code in black. You can add auto format in black on every save when you add follow settings in your settings.json

    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "python.formatting.provider": "black",
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
        "source.organizeImports": true

To install black use pip.

For Windows:

$ python -m pip install black

For Mac / Linux:

$ pip install black

To format the code from the terminal you can use the black cli. For example to format the whole project use.

$ black ./